Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The weather is beautiful.

Brendan Lorber & Tracey McTague read their winged poems.

Wednesday, May 27. 7 PM sharp. Seriously, 7 PM sharp.

Home Sweet Home

131 Chrystie Street

Rakish adventurer Brendan Lorber spends his days and nights flying small 1970’s-era airplanes, rebuilding a ramshackle Revolutionary War-era Brooklyn farmhouse, and allowing his newborn daughter Aurora to redefine the very nature of time and endurance. He is not the real father of several other poet-babies born this past year despite the striking array of traits they appear to have inherited from him, traits like immaturity, impatience, mild colic and tiny bladders. During his recent stint as Editor of the Poetry Project Newsletter Lorber did his best to destroy the Newsletter, the Poetry Project, all poetry forever, and you. He ran the Zinc Talk Reading Series for ten freewheeeling years. He continues to edit LUNGFULL! Magazine, the horribly-named journal that prints people’s rough drafts in addition to the final versions so you can see the process from beginning to end. Are you still reading this bio? Why? It’s not exactly Anna Karenina now is it? Lorber is the author of several chapbooks, among them The Address Book, Dash, Your Secret and Corvid Aurora. His work has appeared in countless journals and anthologies in several languages around the world. He has lectured and taught workshops on writing and participatory economics throughout the country but always returns to his Brooklyn home slung between an old power plant and a much older 500-acre necropolis.

Tracey McTague lives at the geographic apex of Brooklyn on Battle Hill where she curates a reading series of the same name. She is a writer and visual artist whose work includes a number of chapbooks. She is also cocreator of Book of the New Now with Brendan Lorber. A longer book , about urban dog mind, will be published next year by Overlook Press. Tracey is currently at work on a project called SUPER NATURAL. She vandalizes private property on a regular basis.